Old Bazzite Portal Flatpak List Restored (as a forum post)

The Old Bazzite Portal List

(Please note if the runtimes are end of life or if the Flatpak is unmaintained before installing.)

Web Browsers:





Office and Productivity:

Utilities and System Tools:

Why change the Bazzite Portal this late?

This is the old Bazzite Portal application list. It seems my ā€œcontroverisalā€ changes were actually controversial. :sweat_smile: The Bazzite Portal (or yafti as the software is actually called) was going to be rewritten and reworked, but things sometimes donā€™t go as planned which is okay. I decided that having a Flatpak list like this wasnā€™t going to be a good idea to maintain in the long run. The Bazzite team didnā€™t want an additional maintenance burden of keeping a list of Flatpaks up to date outside of the ones that come pre-installed.

I decided to retool the Bazzite Portal to be a graphical application to install popular ujust commands that didnā€™t require too many options. A simple installer for Decky Loader, Emudeck, OpenRazer, etc. without opening the terminal and also opened at the first desktop boot.

However, the application list was popular and many Bazzite users who reinstalled Bazzite or re-opened the Bazzite Portal were confused on why they were missing. There was valid criticism that this was good on-boarding for new Linux users since Discover and GNOME Software may not be the best front-ends to find the same exact software apparently.

Not much of a ā€˜restorationā€™ for Bazzite itself since the Bazzite Portal will still not include these, but the list will appear here on the forums. I eventually want to take this forum post, among other posts, and link them somewhere in the Bazzite documentation for easy access. My goal is trying to find a good method of providing as many useful resources and guides for Bazzite as I possibly can in the documentation by the Fedora 42 release since there is an influx of new desktop Linux adopters who arenā€™t familiar with some of the differences coming from Windows, macOS, etc.

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