Last night I checked the update log ( journalctl -u ublue-update.service ) and noticed that the last entry is from Feb 14. Prior to that it would automatically check for updates every 6h - I know that since I used to check the logs daily.
I checked the auto update status with ujust toggle-update and it says auto updates are on.
I then ran ujust update and got ostree and flatpak updates. Prior to that my PC had been on non-stop for over 16h (which it is daily). Maybe it was a coincidence and those updates came in in the last 6h, but it seems very unlikely.
❯ rpm-ostree status
State: idle
AutomaticUpdates: stage; rpm-ostreed-automatic.timer: no runs since boot
● ostree-image-signed:docker://
Digest: sha256:ee5d2e2c681c0c3a42fc2deafa937ddbbed20733073aca4c8a82322ad43afc79
Version: 41.20250224.6 (2025-02-24T16:00:28Z)
Digest: sha256:48560c2aa9fbc6a2e1a1c21fc25ec7bd164e17020826d2a41cf36f00353a4424
Version: 41.20250209.1 (2025-02-09T05:57:01Z)
❯ systemctl status rpm-ostreed-automatic.timer
● rpm-ostreed-automatic.timer - rpm-ostree Automatic Update Trigger
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/rpm-ostreed-automatic.timer; enabled; preset: disabled)
Drop-In: /usr/lib/systemd/system/rpm-ostreed-automatic.timer.d
Active: active (waiting) since Wed 2025-02-26 10:00:53 CET; 3 days ago
Invocation: 18dce54d1f4c4e7bbe9cdc7a93b294f2
Trigger: Sun 2025-03-02 04:01:27 CET; 13h left
Triggers: ● rpm-ostreed-automatic.service
Docs: man:rpm-ostree(1)
Feb 26 10:00:53 aurora systemd[1]: Started rpm-ostreed-automatic.timer - rpm-ostree Automatic Update Trigger.
I only reboot my pc once every 2-3 weeks, and suspend it overnight. During the day it typically runs for >14 hours.
Note that it says it hasn’t run since boot, and that next trigger is tomorrow at 4am. I have checked the output every day, and so far all triggers have been for 4am the following day when my PC is suspended. It means the update trigger will never run while the PC is on (unless I’ve misunderstood the output). If I’m mistaken then please enlighten me.
Also, where is the 4am time set/configured?
With the previous ublue update service, the update check would fail right after waking up the PC (I posted about it here), but it would then run again after 6h so it was almost moot. Is this “new” update trigger a temporary solution? Because it seems less reliable.
Seems that the timer is triggered after wake from suspend, but the rpm-ostreed.automatic.service fails due to the exec condition not met.
From the /usr/lib/systemd/system/rpm-ostreed-automatic.timer.d/override.conf
xecCondition=/bin/bash -c ‘[[ “$(busctl get-property org.freedesktop.NetworkManager /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager org.freedesktop.NetworkManager Metered | cut -c 3-)” == @(2|4) ]]’
If I run this command it checks out to 4 on my machine. So could it be that the Network Manager is not yet started when the update service is run directly after wakeup from suspend? If yes how can that be fixed?
Should we file a bug ticket about this so it can be fixed, or is it a already a known issue?
Right now we don’t have any automatic updates, which is one of the key features of Aurora/Bluefin. If the update time is tz dependent (i.e. 4am in CET but 10pm in EST) then some devs might not even be aware of this bug.
My laptop usually is just sleeping during the night time here in the EU. And I just
So looking at that, next time the timer triggers is Trigger: Mon 2025-03-10 16:43:35 EET; 15min left
As this is not my work laptop, its usually opened before work (around 6-7am) and then put to sleep and opened in the evening again. But I usually also update manually in the morning (atleast sometimes).
Although I can’t just now remember was the service checking once or twice a day for updates. But looking at the service components atleast the trigger seems to be there
Thanks. That’s weird, my trigger has never displayed any other time than 4am.
If you suspend your computer(s) tonight, what’s the output from those three commands when you wake it/them up tomorrow? Please share tomorrow so that we can compare.