Automatic updates not happening

My automatic updates seem to have stopped happening.
I ran ujust update on Feb 16th, but had no updates since, nor flatpak updates either.
Here’s my current status…

rpm-ostree status
State: idle
AutomaticUpdates: stage; rpm-ostreed-automatic.timer: no runs since boot
● ostree-image-signed:docker://
                   Digest: sha256:901341855d83cb9baa23f2c35f13b368f38ddd818734ae5cf247629344896f85
                  Version: 41.20250216.1 (2025-02-16T06:02:51Z)

                   Digest: sha256:308f2addc0874bb901680a8bf8b8a817cf9e102ac3e6d40dac7a0955f42ad1df
                  Version: 41.20250209.1 (2025-02-09T06:02:01Z)

Not sure how to fix this, so any help would be much appreciated.

(btw I’m on Bluefin stable and would expect weekly updates)

what do you get if you try with ujust update in terminal?

Also you can check the updater status
systemctl status rpm-ostreed-automatic.timer

❯ systemctl status rpm-ostreed-automatic.timer
● rpm-ostreed-automatic.timer - rpm-ostree Automatic Update Trigger
     Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/rpm-ostreed-automatic.timer; enabled; preset: disable>
    Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/rpm-ostreed-automatic.timer.d
     Active: active (waiting) since Wed 2025-02-19 15:46:31 GMT; 5 days ago
 Invocation: fd86a19a9787408da658c861bc8e28c8
    Trigger: Wed 2025-02-26 04:06:10 GMT; 16h left
   Triggers: ● rpm-ostreed-automatic.service
       Docs: man:rpm-ostree(1)

Feb 19 15:46:31 bluefin systemd[1]: Started rpm-ostreed-automatic.timer - rpm-ostree Automatic Upd>
lines 1-12/12 (END)

As I said, I did a manual update using ujust update on Feb 16 - that was my last update.

It seems the update timer is triggered by a reboot, so in theory if I was to reboot more often than once per week, I would never get any updates! I generally just suspend my laptop at the end of the day and only reboot if ostree status shows me an update.