No automatic updates?

New Aurora user here.

My understanding was/is that all updates are automatic and be done in the background, and require no user intervention. Yet today (2 days after installation) I got an update notification, and in Discover I can do an update (see pic).

So how are updates handled in fact?

Thank you.


I have this issue as well.

Currently I’ve set up both Bluefin and Aurora in virtual machines. Automatic updates only works in Bluefin using GNOME Software Center. It doesn’t work in Plasma Discover.

This is a long-running bug with Plasma, so it’s not just a ublue issue. I have Plasma on another normal distro, and I had to install GNOME Software Center so that I could toggle on automatic updates in the settings.

If you go into Plasma Settings and select the ‘Software Update’ under 'System, you’ll see the option to switch on automatic updates. But it just doesn’t work.

I had hoped that the ublue developers would’ve found a way to fix this Plasma bug, seeing as they promote ublue as having automatic updates, but that seems to not be the case.


Thanks for that info, had I known I would have gone with Bluefin despite not liking Gnome.
At least I know my expectation was correct :slight_smile:

I think the flatpak updates are automated to happen twice a day. So they are not “continuosly” checking for updates and updating.

And when discover has its own “checks” fr updates, you might see those update notifications from it.


Checking the automatic update config on Aurora, it should be doing Flatpak updates along with the rest of the system automatically. This seems like Discover trying to do updates on its own, the way they handle this on Bluefin is just to prevent GNOME Software from handling updates at all. I might be wrong but I think you can just ignore them, and you will still automatically get updates in the background.

If you run the “system update” app, it should update the stuff that you’re seeing in discover, that’s what’s getting run in the background for auto updates so if it works there that means it should work for auto updates as well.


It works perfectly in KDE Plasma. It’s been a very long time since I have dealt with updates, when they are there, they will be installed automatically: system updates and flatpaks. I don’t need to do anything.

So how do I prevent Discover from handling updates (i.e. stop it doing its own update checks)?

Also, should “Update softare” be set to manual or automatic?

Ideally I wouldn’t want to get the update notification at all.

I don’t have a device using KDE on hand right now, but anywhere in the Discover settings that mention automatic updates, updates, etc. it should be set to manual or off. If the setting you’re talking about is inside Discover, then that should be set to manual. Aurora’s automatic updates are handled completely outside of Discover, these settings shouldn’t affect that.

For reference, Aurora’s automatic updates are configured through the terminal command ujust toggle-updates. If you run that in your terminal and then select Enable, that will make sure they are on, but they should already be on by default anyway.


That appears to be the solution, but with one additional settings change.

I was trying it out in the meantime, after the original post, and realized that the issue is that the user is still getting Discover notifications about updates, even though ublue is updating outside of the Discover app.

As per the screenshot, the trick is to not just leave the updates set to manual (I had changed them to automatic), but to also change notification frequency to ‘Never’ so that the desktop notifications don’t pop up. By default frequency is set to ‘daily.’

I’ve left it like that for an hour, and the updates which were previously pending have updated themselves, as per the intention from ublue. Both system updates and Flatpak updates were done.

As a suggestion for whoever deals with it, that might be something to add to the Aurora user guide!


Maybe they should be disabled by default in Aurora, since they’re already disabled in Bluefin. There might be a reason why it’s not but I dunno.


Great, I made the suggested changes and double checked with ujust, so everything should work correctly now.

I agree it should be the default setting in Plasma.

Thanks to everyone for helping out!