LibreOffice not working in Blue Fin

LibreOffice isn’t working. There are only squares on the title and menu where the text should be. I’ve been running Blue Fin for about a month.

Maybe this will help:

Otherwise search for ‚flatpak + squares‘

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Here is my alias for that and use it in bluefin/aurora/fedora workstation and nixos:

alias my-flatpacker='echo -e "\e[1;32m[✔]\e[0m Checking updates for installed flatpak programs...\n" && sudo flatpak update -y && sleep 1 && echo -e "\e[1;32m[✔]\e[0m Removing Old Flatpak Cruft...\n" && flatpak uninstall --unused && flatpak uninstall --delete-data && sudo rm -rfv /var/tmp/flatpak-cache-* && [ -f /usr/bin/flatpak ] && flatpak uninstall --unused --delete-data --assumeyes && flatpak --user uninstall --unused -y --noninteractive && /usr/bin/flatpak --user update -y --noninteractive && /usr/bin/flatpak --user repair && rm -rf ~/.var/app/*/cache/fontconfig/* && flatpak repair && echo -e "\e[1;32m[✔]\e[0m All updates and cleanups are complete."'

what this does is:

  1. Check and update installed Flatpak applications
  2. remove old and unused Flatpak cruft
  3. Clear the Flatpak fontconfig cache
  4. repair any Flatpak issues.
  5. Confirm’s that all updates and cleanups are complete…enjoy

to use, copy that into your .bashrc and call my-flatpacker or what ever you wish to name it

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