Encoding Issue in Bluefin (Broken fonts)

I am new to Bluefin. Thanks for this project. I have an encoding issue. Please checkout this SC:

The screenshot shows the dialog, when I click on “extensions”. But also other app’s texts and labels look like this.

Please can you help me?


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We need more context. What is the software that is shown in the screenshot?

I.e. the BoxBuddy app is shown like this:

Did you set the language of the system to something else than English?

No just english (united states). Since the OS-installation process.

❯ localectl
System Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8
    VC Keymap: de
   X11 Layout: de
    X11 Model: pc105

I’ve seen fc-cache -fv fix out the squares in flatpaks before.

I’ve seen two other people have this but can’t replicate it. Perhaps we need a font cache cleaning thing in the cronjobs.

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Thanks for the response. I tried the command, the command succeeds, but the squares are still there :sob:

It doesn’t affect every app, but a lot of them. It seems to affect apps that use the native gui, but that’s just an assumption. In any case, it is impossible to work.

rm -rf ~/.var/app/*/cache/fontconfig/*


flatpak repair

Then close any affected flatpak apps and reopen.
That’s what fixed it for me.

Thanks, but no luck. I even rebooted afterwards. The squares are there. I have not changed anything font-wise in this os. I only changed the Ptyxis font, but Ptyxis works.

I have this fonts:

❯ ls /usr/share/fonts/
 abattis-cantarell-fonts         google-noto-sans-cjk-fonts           liberation-mono             rit-rachana-fonts
 abattis-cantarell-vf-fonts      google-noto-sans-mono-cjk-vf-fonts   madan-fonts                 sil-nuosu-fonts
 adobe-source-code-pro-fonts     google-noto-serif-cjk-vf-fonts      'MesloLGS NF'                sil-padauk-fonts
 cascadia-code-fonts             google-noto-vf                       monaspace                   stix-fonts
 commit-mono                     ibm-plex-mono-fonts                  mozilla-fira                truetype
 gdouros-symbola                 intelmono                            nerd-fonts                  ubuntu
 google-droid-sans-fonts         inter                                noto-cjk                    ubuntu-family
 google-droid-sans-mono-fonts    jetbrains-mono-fonts                 opendyslexic                urw-base35
 google-go-mono-fonts            jetbrains-mono-nl-fonts              open-sans                   vazirmatn-vf-fonts
 google-noto                     jomolhari-fonts                      paktype-naskh-basic-fonts
 google-noto-color-emoji-fonts   julietaula-montserrat-fonts          rit-meera-new-fonts

❯ ls /usr/share/X11/fonts/


The folder /usr/share/X11/fonts/ is empty.

This will move Cantarell fonts to user space. Sometimes it fixes flatpaks.

cp -r /usr/share/fonts/abattis-cantarell-fonts ~/.local/share/fonts

Thanks for all your hints. I have also tried this, but without success. Do you have any other ideas?

FileZilla looks like this:

Find the appid of filezilla.

flatpak list

Put the AppID in this command.

flatpak run --command=fc-cache "AppID" -f -v

Restart app.

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Wow! That fixed it for FileZilla!

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@Plyply But how to fix this for all apps?

Are you on KDE? There was a bug where KDE still used deprecated ~/.fonts
Don’t know if it’s been fixed. I’m on gnome.

If so, check if you have a ~/.local/share/fonts directory.

Rename it to fontsOLD

Edit, Oh you’re on bluefin.

I’m on Bluefin, so Gnome.

flatpak list --app --columns=application,runtime|grep org.gnome.Platform|awk -F '\t' '{print "flatpak run --command=fc-cache " $1 " -f -v /usr/share/fonts/abattis-cantarell-fonts"}'|xargs -I % echo "%"|sh

MAYBE will work.

Modified to reset flatpak apps font cache.

flatpak list --app --columns=application,runtime|grep org.gnome.Platform|awk -F '\t' '{print "flatpak run --command=fc-cache " $1 " -f -v"}'|xargs -I % echo "%"|sh



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