Introducing the Bazzite Developer Experience (Alpha)

Hello, gamers!

Exciting times are ahead for game developers and developers wanting to use Bazzite.

Building upon the incredible work by the amyOS developers, we are officially announcing the creation of Bazzite DX and Bazzite GDX (Game Developer Experience).

Bazzite DX will be developer focused edition which will include general developer goodies, just like Bluefin DX or Aurora DX. This will be a general developer image, so it will be scoped to match our existing developer modes.

Bazzite GDX is the one we’re excited about the most. This will be a game-developer focused edition of Bazzite filled with awesome tools (like Godot) and whatever goodies the community builds with us. It’s purpose is to be a kickass game developer workstation.

To make this vision a reality, we need your help! We started a prototype and now need your help to improve up on it with feedback, code contributions and more.

Checkout the repos for Bazzite DX and Bazzite GDX

These images are still incomplete and considered alpha, and are currently only built from bazzite:41, we expect to add support for the other images shortly. Bring in your ideas and lets build this together! For the future of the Linux Desktop.



your link to amyOS is broken, missing a colon.

Otherwise, neat idea :3

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you never saw it, did you?

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Exciting news! So many more reasons to recommend Bazzite to everyone I know :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

This is very exciting!

All the parts for the computer I’m putting together for Bazzite (for gamedev) isn’t here just yet; what’s the best/easiest way to contribute until then?

Now that‘s some immaculate timing.

Omg yayayay! This is super exciting and will make Bazzite hands down the best distro and the best OS! :tada:

Bazzite [G]DX is especially important because Bazzite is immutable, which makes OS-level things difficult to add and tweak, so folks who do both gaming and development have had to “choose” one and then had to put in a lot of effort to add support for the other.

Here are a few wishes:

  • Please add Nvidia drivers or an Nvidia distro (i.e. bazzite-[g]dx-nvidia).
  • Focus on OS-level additions and tweaks that cannot be easily installed, i.e. kernel, drivers and packages that need to be layered. Anything that a reasonable gamer/dev might use (or things that are small enough) should be included in the distro.
  • Don’t bother including apps that can be easily installed via Flatpak or otherwise, without layering. I would argue that when it comes to user-level installable things, the less the better. Feel free to include small things, but I wouldn’t include big apps like IDEs if they can be installed via Flatpak (but do include any OS-level support for them, should they require it).

Again this is super exciting and I can’t wait to take ti for a spin as soon as Nvidia is supported.

This has nothing to do with “immutability”, the reason this didn’t exist until now is people couldn’t decide what to build so I just started it this morning. I’ve been happily gaming on Bluefin for like 3 years lol.

Sure, but Bluefin doesn’t include kernel tweaks and some other goodies that are a bit of a hassle to add. I went with Bazzite route to cover those bases, then added dev functionality support via layers, distrobox etc (my reasoning: it’s easier to layer packages than to replace the kernel). With a mutable distro installing all of those things is easy, but I don’t want a mutable distro, because it becomes a hot mess over time, hence I would’ve really appreciated if OS-level gaming+dev things were all included in one distro.

oh snap this is amazing! I kid you not just yesterday I was googling trying to learn about creating my own image because I wanted to create a gaming/ game dev hybrid of Bazzite and Aurora. Excited to see that something official is coming!

I’m currently on Bazzite Nvidia, is it possible for Nvidia users to test out the alpha or is it currently only working with AMD? Also, when it comes to rebasing, what would be the full name of the image assuming it’s already available and supports Nvidia? Common sense would make me assume bazzite-nvidia-open-gdx:alpha if it does exits

EDIT: I didn’t see the “package” link on the right of the gh repo until just now, so I guess no my only question is, if this is Nvidia compatible at the moment or if us Nvidia folk will have to wait a bit :slight_smile:

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Right now we’re only making the one image, someone just needs to make a matrix so that it’s snagging all the images it derives from, here’s the issue:

Right now it looks like this:

But needs to look more like this:

Shouldn’t take too long, maybe a couple of days and doing associated work.

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Don’t bother including apps that can be easily installed via Flatpak or otherwise

Soo… No Godot, Blender, DAWs…?

Maybe we could have groups instead? e. g. one for retro games that installs some fitting engine, something like pixelorama or libresprite and a tracker
Depends on what people this is aimed at, I guess. If it‘s considered a part of dx, that‘s probably not needed. Not like installing something from Flathub is hard, either- But people who just made the switch might appreciate getting an idea of what software there is.
Could also be something you can choose on first boot like there is currently with stuff like LACT.

Can‘t believe I didn‘t think of doing this before, but here‘s a (for now by no means exhaustive) list of GameDev related Applications that aren‘t on Flathub:

-Unreal Engine: Only has assets management on Flathub as far as I see it. Comes as a zip.
-GameMaker: Home page seems to be down right now (talk about timing!). Seems to have some support for Ubuntu. Also available on Steam, though only Windows/Mac native.

Some are on Flathub, but unverified/made by a third party:

-Unity: the Unity Hub
-Blender, along with BforArtists and UPBGE

That took way too long for that small list >:( It‘s a start I guess

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I’d vote for layering Unity Hub over using the Flatpak. Back when I was on Aurora I had to layer it because the Flatpak won’t detect and open VS Code as its external editor if Code is a system package. If Code was a Flatpak then it would work but I felt it annoying to have repeats of the same software just packaged differently. Seems to be a bug though because I also had Rider installed and the Flatpak was able to detect and open that as an external browser.

This is of course assuming that they decide to go with VS Code as the main editor, I cant speak for other versions like VSCodium. I just know that the experience was a lot better (at least for me) when I layered Unity Hub rather than use the Flatpak

If I remember right, it‘s VS Code, at least on Bluefin. Dunno if it‘s flatpak or layered, but given the devcontainers integration I assume(!) the latter.

Is it just me or does the bazzite page on artifacthub look broken? I followed the amyOS link and saw that the standard universal blue images were there too. bluefin and aurora look fine but the bazzite one looks like a bunch of broken xml for me.