Switching to zsh on Aurora (not Aurora-DX)

I think I am missing something. I can of course switch to zsh in my ptyxis user profile, but that doesn’t seem to work if I want to use bluefin-cli, as that always gets installed for my system shell.

On DX I could use ujust configure-shell to switch to zsh, but that seems to be not an option on non-DX Aurora?

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The chsh command was removed to prevent screwing up the base image.

You can change is with usermod, but I am not sure of the reprecussions. The “bling” in bluefin-cli doesn’t appear to work for me in zsh.

sudo usermod --shell /usr/bin/zsh ${USER}
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So you are saying switching to zsh via usermod doesn’t have any benefits in regard to using bluefin-cli compared to setting zsh in the ptyxis profile?

I really don’t get it. Bluefin-cli seems to support zsh generally, but it looks like the only way to switch to zsh in a way that bluefin-cli recognizes it is using the DX version.

I’m running bluefin-dx-surface:latest and after switching to zsh (using the Ptyxis profile), none of the bluefin-cli tools installed are recognized.

I would be happy to hear if you found a workaround.

Yes, that was my mistake. I thought I read in the docs that dx still supports “ujust configure-shell”, but in the meantime, I found the commit that removed it from every version

I had to modify the $SHELL variable to /bin/zsh to make it work

(post deleted by author)

I tried this command and ran ujust bluefin-cli but I could be missing something. Could you please share your modification that made it work? Thank you