Sound notification not in the center

i’ve recently installed Aurora-dx on my desktop pc.
I have this bug that the notification sound when i turn up or down the volume is placed on the top left of the screen and not in the center.

The position is the same if i switch audio devices. Not a reboot or a
I’ve seen others bug reports of this, to a problem with KDE
but it should be fixed as the version of KDE Frameworks is newer

Previously i’ve used Fedora 41 KDE and never had this type of issue, even with the latest updates.

Can someone know if there is a way to fix it?

Thank you so much

What kind of hardware are you running on?

Do you have a multi-monitor setup?

Atleast there is a known bug with multiple monitors:

Oh, yeah, forgot to mention it’s a dual monitor setup. The notification shows up in my primary monitor on the left and the second monitor in on the right.
I have an all AMD system

I’ve seen that bug report but the specific problem happens every time, not just when switching audio devices.

Do your monitors have different resolutions and different scaling settings in KDE system settings → display?

I would still recommend posting on the bug report, or create a new one with a screencast if possible.

Yes one is 1440p, the primary where the notification appears, and the second is a 1080p monitor, just putted in a vertical position, but the scaling is both at 100%.

Btw i think i fixed it.
I was playing with the scaling and changing it back and forth, and tried to adjust the volume when a window was focused on the second screen made it appear at the center of the second screen. I’ve waited to disappear and then i focused a window in the primary screen and it was back at the center of the screen.
Rebooted the system and now it appears at the center, so it’s fixed.

Maybe was a problem with the position of the osd for the active display, switching it resolved it.

Thank you!

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