I have a desktop install of Bazzite and am using the included Solaar to control a mouse and keyboard and soon realized that the system tray icon is missing, and that there is a blank square present in the system tray where it should be.
I started Googling and found that this is a fairly common bug for a number of reasons, including missing adwaitia libraries, etc. I spent quite a bit of time down that rabbit hole of troubleshooting and didn’t find anything that applied (had the correct adwaita, etc, and then it occurred to me that I should check my install of Aurora-DX, as they are both KDE and “stock” installs for the most part.
It turns out that the correct monochromatic icon displays on Aurora, so then I started thinking that maybe the exact icon is just missing or in the wrong place on the Bazzite install. I believe I have identified the specific icon, and there are differences between the installs.
Searching for the icon in Dolphin on Aurora produces this:
Contrasted with Bazzite here:
Here’s the correct icon in place on Aurora:
The blank square to the right on Bazzite:
I’m guessing that the big difference is that it’s missing from the usr/share path, and I could copy it over via terminal I guess, but I don’t think it would persist between reboots, right?
Does anyone have any suggestions for where I should go from here?
I’m assuming this affects all similar Bazzite installs (my install is a month or so old). It’s definitely not the end of the world but it is maddening.
Thanks in advance for any advice you can give!