I just setup my new work computer with Bluefin, and am loving it so far. The issue I have is that I need to install “ESET Management Agent” for security and compliance.
I’ve run the script, and it makes it all the way through, but then fails with the error: “Failed to install SELinux policy due to missing dependencies (policycoreutils-devel).: Current locale settings are invalid”
In cockpit, I can see that the agent service is enabled, but has failed to start. I’ve updated the OS and rebooted just to be sure, but nothing changes. When I look at the support docs for ESET, it confirms that I need to install the package:
I’ve checked, but policycoreutils is not available via brew, so I am assuming that I need to do something a bit more involved. Since I’m new to Bluefin, I’m unsure of how to proceed. Any advice?
The shell script that I was given does reference another shell script on the ESET CDN, but it looks to be encrypted. So, I believe the shell script I have is validating and running it, but I’m not able to see it in plain text.
So, it sounds like I need to use rpm-ostree install for that package and then run the script again. I didn’t know that was a thing! Thanks… I’ll give it a shot and report back.