Anyone got Microsoft Intune to work?

First of all I’m sorry for bringing such topics to an open source project’s forum. However it’s for a good reason I promise!

The company I’m joining soon (like many) require that my work laptop passes Intune compliance checks in order to login to certain systems. However luckily they really don’t mind which OS I run.

I’ve been using Aurora for a few months now at my current job and I really don’t want to move off it. I’ve managed to layer the RHEL 9 packages for Intune and Microsoft Edge on top of my standard Aurora install without much drama (if I ever get this to fully work, I’ll write it up I promise!), however I am failing the disk encryption compliance check.

I believe the disk encryption the installer uses is a pretty standard LUKS/LVM setup so I presume there’s some compatibility issue with how the app is checking compliance. It’s annoying because all the other checks my company does work just fine out of the box.

I’ve used strace on the intune-portal app and not learned anything useful, so I presume it’s doing the checks via another process. I will keep exploring this theory with my limited knowledge of these kinds of tools.

However I was just wondering if anyone has tried this with Bluefin/Aurora and got anywhere?


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Um…never mind. I ran the following command to observe what the intune-agent process was doing, and it detected my disk encryption correctly.

while true; do pid=$(pgrep 'intune-agent' | head -1); if [[ -n "$pid" ]]; then strace  -s 2000 -vvtf -p "$pid"; break; fi; done

(ripped from this blog How to strace a process that hasn't started yet | Konr Ness)

I guess I get to use Aurora at work now. I’ll reply again to this thread with the full install guide soon.

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Ok my very rough guide for getting this to work. Everything must be run as root.

Add the main Microsoft RHEL 9 repo and the one for Edge. I am led to believe that for accessing resources requiring Intune compliance that an unsandboxed version of edge might also be required.

curl -L -o /etc/yum.repos.d/microsoft-rhel9.0-prod.repo
curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/microsoft-edge.repo
rpm-ostree install intune-portal microsoft-edge-stable

Then reboot and run the Intune Portal app.

As I said in my first post, I had issues with compliance relating to disk encryption, but that problem seems to have magically gone away. If it comes back I will do more investigation.

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Yes, this is what I did for a bit. Note there is a sysext for microsoft-edge-stable available if you don’t want to layer edge but still have it on disk. I haven’t noticed any differences.