Run Bootable ISO from desktop or via terminal

I am having trouble booting into bios and would just like to run the Bazzite KDE ISO from the desktop environment. I have the Gnome version now but want to try the KDE version. I tried ‘systemctl reboot --firmware-setup’ and it reboots but won’t go into BIOS. it just goes back to the login screen after a few minutes. I disabled fast and secure boot previously when I was able to get into my mobos bios. I have an MSI x790 pro-wifi and tried the old reboot hit the del key and no luck. I’m a noob when it comes to the terminal so is there a terminal command or just a way to go into the USB and activate the install process. Not sure where the executable is when I looked at the ISO files.

We don’t recommend rebasing to different DEs, so install the Bazzite GNOME ISO like you did with KDE Plasma.

Type ujust bios to boot into your BIOS.

is this the same as ‘systemctl reboot --firmware-setup’ command used in Debian/ubuntu but for Fedora based OS?

This is a script by Universal Blue that executes this command yes. If it doesn’t work then you are on a legacy BIOS which we do not support.

I tried it and it works thank you. I wish there were less command layers in this OS to learn but its nice to have alternatives when sudo dnf doesnt work