Currently have Fedora 40 KDE Plasma Desktop - How best to install Bazzite?

I currently have Fedora 40 KDE Plasma Desktop installed, and Plasma/Wayland is crashing all the time. The computer has both an integrated Intel graphics chipset as well as a new NVIDIA discrete graphics card. Bazzite was recommended by others.

How best to install Bazzite? I’ve got KDE all set up and configured as I like.

The system partition is formatted as btrfs (Fedora 40’s default) and the entire volume is encrypted. Is it best to keep that file system?

Unless It’s KDE Atomic, aka Kinoite, I think you’ll have to fresh install unfortunately?

Thanks for your reply. It’s not Kinoite, so needing a fresh install is unfortunate.

Will the fresh install wipe the entire partition?

If you go by standard installation, then yes.
For sure there would be no other option if your /home is inside root.

However, if /home is outside of root and you do have multiple partitions on the disk where one would be only for the /home, then you could go for manual installation and wipe all the others while keeping the new /home onto the new install.

However, Anaconda installer is a pain in the ass and from as far as I know, neither this installer nor Fedora are too great when it comes to partitioning differently, with exceptions or with other operating systems.

I think a fresh install would be the best option :+1:

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