rpm-ostree rebase Authentication Error for Custom GHCR.io Image

Hello everybody,

I’m reaching out for help with an issue I’ve encountered while trying to use rpm-ostree to rebase an OSTree with a custom image that I created and pushed to the GitHub Container Registry (GHCR.io). This image was built following the procedures outlined on the Blue Build site, and everything related to the GitHub actions and image push to GHCR.io concluded successfully.

The command I’m executing is:

rpm-ostree rebase ostree-unverified-registry:ghcr.io/cmlmar/cmdesktop-ublue:latest

However, I am faced with the following error message:

Pulling manifest: ostree-unverified-registry:ghcr.io/cmlmar/cmdesktop-ublue:latest
error: Creating importer: Failed to invoke skopeo proxy method OpenImage: remote error: unable to retrieve auth token: invalid username/password: unauthorized

Before attempting the rebase, I confirmed my successful authentication with GHCR.io via podman login, ensuring my credentials are correct and I have the necessary permissions to access the image. It’s puzzling because this issue seems specific to the interaction between rpm-ostree and GHCR.io, given that I can pull other images without encountering this error.

I’m seeking insights or guidance from anyone who may have experienced a similar issue or has knowledge about resolving such authentication challenges, especially when dealing with custom images hosted on GHCR.io. Is there a particular step I might be missing, or a known workaround for integrating custom images with rpm-ostree?

I greatly appreciate any advice or solutions you might share. Thank you for your time and assistance!

(I don’t know how auth works when downloading container images, but since nobody else has responded and I’ve seen this error before when using docker to download regular container images which I had forgotten to make public on ghcr.io, I thought I’d reply:) Are you trying to switch to an image whose visibility/access settings are set to “private package” on ghcr.io? If so, do you get this error only when you’re trying to download private images with rpm-ostree, or do you also get this error when you’re trying to download private images from ghcr.io with podman, or do you also get this error when you’re trying to download public images from ghcr.io?