Removing `neofetch`

I wanted to remove neofetch from my system (as I use fastfetch instead)

malix@malix-pc ~ [1]> rpm-ostree uninstall neofetch
error: Package/capability 'neofetch' is not currently requested
malix@malix-pc ~ [1]> rpm-ostree override remove neofetch
error: Package "neofetch" not found
malix@malix-pc ~ [1]> neofetch
▄▄▖╽▅▄▄▝▄▌▅▅▅▄▂▆▎▅                        malix@malix-pc
▄▆▊▌▎▅▃▃▋▋▂▂▃▎▃┃▎▂▂▖                    󱋩  bluefin-dx-nvidia:latest 🔐
▃▃▃▋▌▄▅▂▊▊▃▃▃▎▊▏▎▅▄▘▄▃▖                 󰣛  Fedora Linux 40 (Silverblue) x86_64
▏▃▃▊▊▆▃▅┫▏▄▄▄▍▋▊▎▃▃▄▝▄▏                   Linux 6.8.11-300.fc40.x86_64
▌▅▂▋▂▗▃▃┃▎▎▃▆▋▊▏▌▄▄▝▁▉▏▌                󰅐  15 mins
▘▂▁┎▏▂▂▂╼▎▘▂▄▁▋▝▖▃╼▄▆▆▃▂▂▁▂  ▁          󰔠  Forged on May 19 2024
▌▃▄▃▃▘▄▂▊▅▅▅▗▅▝▃▆▄▌▊▌▋▝▆▘▊▅▅▃▄▂▏▅▆▄     󰾰  82JU (LEGION 5 15ACH6H)
▄▃▃▃▘▄▄▂▆▃▃▅▃▂▅▃╻▆▘▝▚▋▁▄▅▋▂┄▗▃▄▝▃▆╸▋    󰻠  AMD Ryzen 7 5800H (16) @ 4.46 GHz
▅▆▅▅▄▄▄▄┷╶─▄▅▂▂▖▅▆▄┟▆▖▆▆▄▇▅▂▘▃▃▖┹┗▇▋    󰍛  AMD Radeon Vega Series / Radeon Vega Mobile Series @ 0.40 GHz [Integrated]
▄▄▄▅▅▃▁▅▇▄▄▄▃▗▃▌▄▄▖┫▄▍▄▄▄┣▖▚▌▅▄▄▄▅▅▘    󰍛  NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Mobile / Max-Q [Discrete]
▅┯▂▄▆┌▍▗▇▃▅▅╺▄▝┃▁▄▋▝▖▋▇▇▃▎┗▆▅▃▂▂▍       󰧑  6.21 GiB / 13.49 GiB (46%)
▎▝▂▂▄▝╊▅▇▎▌▎▝▍▘▌▖▆▇▖▎╺╾▄▄▄▃▄▄▄▄▃▂▁▘       25.63 GiB / 952.60 GiB (3%) - btrfs [Read-only]
▄▂▃▄╹▋▘▆▏▗▅━━┻╾▃▁┗▄┈╴▆▅▆▄▘┎▂▂▅          󰍹  1920x1080 @ 165Hz (as 960x540) [Built-in]
▁▘▁▃▂▍▃▂╄▃┖▘┶╏▗▝▆━▖▄▆┃╹▝▗┋▃▘▂           󰍹  2560x1440 @ 144Hz (as 1280x720) [External]
▃▆┊▅▃▋▄┘┲╾▖▝▃▃▃▃▖▗▆╺▃━▇┮┓▇▃▄▄▅▄▃          60% [AC Connected]
    ▇▆▆▆▃▂▆╸━━━━▁▃┮▁▁┙   ▇▆▆▆▆▅▆        
                                        󰕮  Gnome 46.2
                                          Mutter (Wayland)
                                          fish 3.7.0
                                          ptyxis-agent
                                        󰏖  2120 (rpm), 66 (flatpak), 24 (brew)


Is there another way to do it?

Hello so fastfetch is preinstalled with bazzite but it is also aliased to neofetch for people who are more familiar with the term neofetch than fastfetch


Oh okay, didn’t know neofetch was actually an alias to fastfetch

Thanks :heart:

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