Lutris vs Heroic on bazzite

Is there any big difference between the two? and is there one I should use more over the other?

The biggest difference is Heroic Launcher acts more like steam. In the sense that you sign in, find your game and click boom the game is up and running. Lutris is much more of a platform of pre-configurations and can handle more “generic” applications.

Best example is something like launcher. Heroic would have no way to just install and run this while Lutris would have a script to get you up and running.


It’s just about your preferences. If one or the other or both works best for you, you can just use them.

They are too different to be compared, in my opinion. I have Lutris because as You said it manages and more than that Star Citizen. Toghether with those two great applications, Emudeck and Steam is all I need on my Bazzite PC.

I appreciate Lutris, but I wish it could the Xbox app for my cross-compatible games. I have several Xbox app that I wish I could run on Linux, but as far as I know, due to their DRM gaming system, this might not be possible with Wine. I believe the Xbox app uses some form of DRM with their games. All other gaming platforms, including Epic Games, EA, ubisoft, and gog, they work for me from Lutris, Heroic only supports Epic games I think last time I looked at it. I am grateful for the inclusion of Lutris; it is my favorite software for playing PC games on my older hardware. I have recently upgraded my older desktop from Windows 10 to the Nvidia Deck Bazite distro. KDE seems less stable than the GNOME version, but I didn’t use GNOME on my desktop for long. It did appear more stable in desktop mode. I switched to KDE because I read online that it supported display modes better, but HDR doesn’t seem to work for either on my Gigabyte 4K monitor (M28U brand). The monitor supports HDR, but when turned on under Linux, I didn’t notice any difference. However, I haven’t tried HDR on Linux apps yet. For the desktop itself, I didn’t notice any change whether HDR was on or off. I am refering the nvidia deck version for pc’s when I talked about gnome seems more stable than kde plasma.