Large mouse curson on ptyxis on aurora-nvidia


I have super large cursor on ptyxis (pixelated, looks like it is scaled up 2-3x). I tried also fresh user (with pre-genereated home config) and it is the same.

For now only ptyxis is this, probably something to do with wayland/xwayland/gtk scaling. Any idea where to start looking?

On Bluefin it is fine.

I noticed this the other day on Aurora-dx (non Nvidia) , but haven’t had the chance to check again or look into it… But definitely spotted it as well!

Is ptyxis a native app or flatpak on Aurora?

It is what comes with it, I think it is native and not through flatpak (I’m not behind that workstation right now to check).

Maybe important note. I installed Bluefin-nvidia first, then SWITCHED (not reinstalled) to Aurora. So there might be some weird config left-over. This is why tested on new user (which gets default config). But could be some system-wide persistent config in /var/etc or something like that.

I think that the issue is known issue on the KDE/GTK side, its been an issue for a while. a gtk update was supposed to fix it but I guess it was only for the gnome side.

I can’t find the bug report on kde/gtk right now so can’t check what is the status.

This one?

Propably something similiar, atleast it was a GTK bug back then (maybe under a month ago). But I guess there are still issues regarding the KDE + gtk apps.

Does it btw happen on other GTK apps or only Ptyxis?

From what I’ve noticed only ptyxis for now. Firefox, VLC work ok (but I didn’t test exhaustively with others)

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I’m running Aurora on Surface Pro 4 (display scaling 225%) and having this issue for several applications: Terminal, BoxBuddy, Backups, to name a few
Would be nice to have an idea if this is fixable at all.

Apparently this is a KDE bug and I was also able to reproduce this on my Aurora setup. I have been mitigating this by downloading a separate cursor within the Colours & Themes settings :person_shrugging:

This has successfully fixed the issue for me.

Yeah this is sadly a bug with KDE and GTK, nothing I can fix atm sadly. But should be fixed soon I think.

k3nsh0, could you please explain how I can download a separate cursor? I’m totaly new to Aurora and LX and accordingly befuddled…

Within the Settings application is a category called Colours and Themes. Here you can customize all kinds of appearance settings for the desktop environment. Within the Cursors sub-category you have the option to install new icons from the three-dot menu.

@ k3nsh0, thanks for the idea,but unfortunately it does not fix the problem for me.

Changing the cursor set through settings does not fix the problem, no matter what “skin” I apply on the cursor, it still keeps changing size in the “problematic” apps

See it in actiton:
Cursor “dance”
The cursor gets enlarged transitioning to Terminal window, on click it gets back to normal size.

I don’t think there is a real fix for this. The issue is on Gnome/GTK/Mutter side and how they use cursors.

There is a issue in Gnome gitlab about this and hopefully will be fixed in a next Gnome version.

Until the bug is fixed in GTK, there is a workaround by creating a custom Breeze cursor theme described here:

P.S. The real fix will be in Gnome 47:

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