In this video I go over ujust bluefin-cli
and ujust rebase-helper
Keep up a great work. I hope GNOME and KDE patrons notice your effort and support what you’re doing, so that you can dedicate even more time to ublue.
Finally, Linux OS done right with GNOME and KDE.
Can/will you add this to bazzite as well? Please!!!
Thanx for updating bazzite too with the necesarry bling.
I love everything except atuin hijacking the up arrow. How do I get my up arrow back ?
I am aware of the modifier. But where do I set that to work with bluefin “bling” ?
I would start by trying to override it in ~/.bashrc
I already tried that
I added this at the very bottom
eval "$(atuin init bash --disable-up-arrow)"
K, I don’t have time to dig into this now but we should find a way to make it easily overrideable.
If I can help , let me know how. I have 10+ years on Fedora. Fairly new to atomic desktops though.
From dajmeister on discord, you can set the variable and then resource in your ~/.bashrc
. Haven’t tried it yet since I’m heading to bed but looks like we’re getting somewhere!
export ATUIN_NOBIND="true"
### source start
test -f /usr/share/ublue-os/bluefin-cli/ && source /usr/share/ublue-os/bluefin-cli/
### source end
I don’t mind the up arrow hijack… Where it gets me is when I fat-fingered the last command and I want to use the up arrow to get it back and fix it. That’s the thing I don’t know how to do!
SUCCESS! thanks a million.
Up arrow, then tab.
This lets you edit the command, rather than run it right away.
If you fat finger a lot, there is this, which might be helpful.
@rprihoda ATUIN_NOBIND
disables the up arrow AND the ctrl+r at the same time. I like to disable only the up arrow, to do so I enable ctrl+r again on ~/.bashrc
# disable atuin binds
export ATUIN_NOBIND="true"
### source start
test -f /usr/share/ublue-os/bluefin-cli/ && source /usr/share/ublue-os/bluefin-cli/
### source end
# re-enable atuin ctrl+r
bind -x '"\C-r": __atuin_history'
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