How can I change lock screen wallpaper?

My bazzite system uses KDE Plasma.

I have tried changing

  • Wallpaper
  • background image in Colors & Themes → Global Theme → Login Screen (SDDM)
    in the System Settings app.

But it just shows blue pop color image in lock screen whatever I do.

The Documentation says: " Use Discover to install SDDM themes. SDDM themes can also be layered at your own risk if they are available as RPM packages using rpm-ostree."

kde has two lock screens. On first boot and subsequent logins. For subsequent logins go to settings → screen locking → configure appearance and choose the image you want. (I think) you don’t need to import a custom ssdm theme. For first boot at colors and themes → sddm → click on the theme (choose breeze and not breeze fedora) → click on the image → select your image → reboot. If this doesn’t work you can create a simple custom theme with you preferred image as detailed here, option 2 Customizing a SDDM theme |

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My goodness, thank you. Screen locking → Configure appearance helped.

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