High number of packages added in 41.20241203.1?

There is as high number of packages (260+) being added to the new 20241203 update which may appear odd at first glance. The majority of new packages are actually just the google-noto-fonts packages which was added in commit 4b7abfb. This can be verified with rpm-ostree status --verbose.

Just figured I’d post this here to help ease concerns of those who notice the high number of new packages being added.


Yeah sorry about that, didn’t realize it was so epic. We need to do a font overview at some point anyway.

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All good! Never hurts to have many fonts by default.

TBH, I would have never noticed this if I wasn’t looking into someone’s Fedora IoT issue regarding an oddly high number of new packages. The number packages was actually so close to this update I thought it was actually an expected change from upstream at first :laughing:

IMHO, Blufin should ship fonts that work for many languages and not just half baked quickly made fonts for one language e.g. English.

This is why I love IBM Plex. It’s open-source, it’s modern with all the expected features, it’s still being updated, and yet it’s super complete for all the languages and usecase.