Having issues with latest update

i just saw on the main Bazzite site things are currently being patched and up-streamed. so just wanted to know if i have to update through the terminal if things are finalized. let me know if there is a fix currently or if i have to wait for things to come online from you guys. if you guys can let me know that would be great.

error: Updating rpm-md repo ‘updates-archive’: cannot update repo ‘updates-archive’: Yum repo downloading error: Downloading error(s): repodata/4a5f5a36381e29d9a70665b60eab96d702e5fb5c1a61904cea685dd5d83df2d0-primary.xml.zck - Cannot download, all mirrors were already tried without success; Last error: Status code: 403 for https://fedoraproject-updates-archive.fedoraproject.org/fedora/41/x86_64/repodata/4a5f5a36381e29d9a70665b60eab96d702e5fb5c1a61904cea685dd5d83df2d0-primary.xml.zck (IP:
System update failed:
0: Command failed: /usr/bin/rpm-ostree upgrade
1: /usr/bin/rpm-ostree failed: exit status: 1

Retry? (y)es/(N)o/(s)hell/(q)uit
this is currently what i get after a ujust update upgrade command.

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just got the update everything is fixed and in working order thanks Bazzite team for the fixes.

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