This game, under Steam gaming mode, indicates it is not compatible with Steam Deck mode or may not run well in that mode. I do not currently have Linux installed, but when I did, it mentioned this about the game. The Steam screenshot is from Windows and not a session from bazzite Linux at this time of steam gaming mode. Since we are not using the real handheld device, should games like The Quarry work in Bazzite and will they install correctly, given that my desktop PC has an NVIDIA RTX 3070, and not the hardware of the actual real Steam Deck devices? Their game rating system does not apply to our linux systems, correct? I am curious about this. I only own the trial version of this game on my Steam account and not the full game. I do own it on my Series X console on disc, but not digitally in any case. Is the trial version playable under Bazzite, or are there some bugs, since I have not downloaded it on Linux yet? their rating system said it doesn’t work well on a real steam deck this game, but it should play fine in Bazzite correct, since their rating system is based on their hardware devices not are pc’s running steam deck under linux?
I just wanted to ask about that, since I do plan to reinstall in on my smaller drive and dual boot in my pc, but I just haven’t done that yet. any other games that might not work correctly under a steam deck session, or steam gaming mode that I should be aware of?