Firefox can't open Speech Dispatcher; systemd socket activation not working?

Hi! New and excited Bluefin user here.

I got an error message from Firefox when visiting a web page, “You can’t use speech synthesis because Speech Dispatcher won’t open”. Firefox helpfully provided a link with more explanation: Speech Dispatcher required for SpeechSynthesis API | Firefox Help

Looking at the bottom paragraph, they say that 0.11.4 or later of speech dispatcher is needed for systemd socket activation. However, speech-dispatcher --version on my newly installed and fully upgraded Bluefin system says 0.11.5. Is there something else I need to do to make socket activation work?

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I don’t know all the ins and outs here, but supporting this socket activation is still an open Fedora bug, with a fix scheduled for Fedora 42.

A couple of workarounds are suggested in a Fedora discussion thread. I would guess that those work on Bluefin too since they don’t require writing to anything that’s read-only in atomic Fedoras.

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Thanks for the pointers. I tried the workarounds there. Adding a unit to the user systemd config seemed the most promising solution, but didn’t work for me, as the daemon won’t start:

speechd:  Error: Module reported error in request from speechd (code 3xx): 300-Opening sound device failed. Reason: Cannot open plugin server. error: file not found. 

I could get it to work by adding AudioOutputMethod "alsa" to ~/.config/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf and starting the daemon manually. (For some reason with systemd it still wouldn’t work.)

I guess the thing to do is wait for Fedora to update the package to 0.12.