Insynchq (or other google drive options)

Hi there, I had a quick search, and was looking for some guidance on using insynchq on Bluefin (based on 41).

I assume I can worsecase scenario install via distrobox. But is anyone running it? Is there a better way to run it. Had a look, no Flatpak, nothing in rpm-ostree, and it seems like their RPM is for 40.

I JUST installed Bluefin last night, so while very comfy with Nixos/Ubuntu, and I am just getting going over here in Ublue land.

Hello! I use Insync as well. I have installed it in Distrobox (Fedora). I have it on auto-launch and working fine so far. Sometime ago though it wasn’t launching all the time and seemed to be intermittent, but seems okay now.