Distrobox Shortcuts

I see that the default distrobox container configurations are now removed.

The keyboard-shortcuts are still mentioned in the docs under the section header “Pet Containers”. But they don’t work for me. My shortcuts seem to use the /usr/libexec/distrobox-quadlet-ptyxis.sh script which no longer exists. My distrobox works fine inside ptyxis but I do like the shortcut keys. Is there an equivalent replacement?


You need to get the guid/identifier of the Ptyxis profile for the container and change the command for the shortcut to ptyxis --tab-with-profile="replace_me_with_the_guid_identifier" --new-window

You can find the profile identifier in Ptyxis → Settings (hamburger menu) → Preferences → Profiles → Desired Profile Settings (elipsis menu) → Edit. The identifier is the long string of letters and numbers.

If you don’t have a Ptyxis profile for the desired distrobox you can create a new profile and in the Default Container select the desired container.

Nice. That worked. Thank you.