Distrobox+Ptyxis compatibility for custom shells?

Greetings humans,

I set up a Debian 12 Distrobox container that mimics my usual non-immutable setup, and typically I would change the shell to zsh. I did this using chsh within the container, and when I launch it using distrobox-enter I see my custom zsh shell.

If I try to open it with Ptyxis, it always opens bash. I saw that Ptyxis has a “use login shell” setting in both the Behavior tab and the Profiles tab. The Behavior toggle does not seem to work; if I relaunch Ptyxis, it goes right back to being turned off. The Profiles tab does appear to preserve the setting but it is not logging into zsh.

I’m pretty new to Distrobox, so I wanted to ask in here if I went about this in the wrong way before I log a bug for Ptyxis.


Have you exported the binary or application from within the distrobox?

An easy way to do this is with BusyBox.

Ptyxis let’s you create custom profiles where you can specify your start command. In this case you can either choose to have a host terminal that does distrobox enter or you can specify the terminal make sure that the run command is your desired shell.

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