I’ve been running Aurora (user) on my main desktop for a month and a half to two months, but now sadly it appears irretrievably broken for someone at my skill level. Plasma continues to crash shortly after logging in even using the image that worked yesterday.
I’m considering switching to Bluefin on my desktop after using it on my laptop for the past month. It will be a clean install.
It was my mistake to use the latest Aurora version instead of gts. That’s a mistake that won’t be repeated if/when Bluefin is installed on the desktop.
I suppose I’m asking whether Gnome is generally more stable than Plasma?
Fedora / Bluefin / GNOME / Flatpak just have too much in common. Even if I appreciate what KDE is doing, I would always use Bluefin on ublue.
When it comes to KDE as DE, not my favorite, tbh, especially on laptop. Coming from Windows, I need something less overwhelming, like GNOME. I also appreciate that DASH TO DOCK extension Bluefin has, allowing me to hide distracting elements, while I’m working in programs.
I’m torn between the two. I set up a laptop for my 19yr old, who has only ever known windows (he spent most of his time at his mom’s house…)
I tried Bluefin, but I was afraid that it would feel unintuitive.
Does anyone have experience with young people on GNOME ?