Wifi works fine on Silverblue, but not seen by Bluefin

Last couple of days I have been trying to check out Bluefin again after having been using Silverblue (without any issues) on my laptop (Dell XPS 13 9350). Bluefin just will not recognize the Wifi adapter even though Silverblue (40) works fine. I did a fresh install of Bluefin ISO (non-developer) yesterday, and nothing; tethered to my phone I rebased to stable, and still nothing. I reinstalled Silverblue from ISO, and again, that works fine. Did a rebase to Bluefin from Silverblue and wifi vanished. Reinstalled Silverblue from ISO again, and again Wifi works fine.

Today, did the whole thing again just to see if I could figure something out, reinstalling Bluefin from fresh ISO, no wifi, rebasing to stable, no wifi.

I am not Linux capable enough to know more than to scratch my head after all of these installs and rebases and reinstalls. It just seems plain weird that Silverblue works like a dream but I just can’t get Bluefin to recognize a wifi adapter.

The wifi device info from lspci is, I believe

3a:00.0 Non-VGA unclassified device [0000]: Broadcom Inc. and subsidiaries Device [14e4:8100] (rev 08)

Here is current rpm-ostree status:

State: idle

AutomaticUpdates: stage; rpm-ostreed-automatic.timer: no runs since boot


● ostree-image-signed:docker://ghcr.io/ublue-os/bluefin:stable

Digest: sha256:931a5a251bfbe4e6127d17bb42e828e5af02cbfc232fc2d230cd8ff4591a2407

Version: 40.20241011.0 (2024-10-12T22:40:03Z)


Digest: sha256:ba81f343f1be0681f257fa9dd644c6cea5bffad59d2317c61434f51438799169

Version: 39.20241012.0 (2024-10-13T05:44:08Z)

Since your lspci reports a Broadcom device, did you ever run ujust configure-broadcom-wl in the terminal? You can also find it from the ujust --choose list.

Yes, many times, it never did anything.

Unfortunate. I am sorry I can’t really help further here. I specifically rid myself of Broadcom due to issues like these.

This seems like the same issue I was having earlier. I asked that issue to be closed but I think that was premature. At this time I can successfully manually load the kernel module after boot, but Aurora will never automaticaly load it. The only thing I can do is

sudo /usr/sbin/modprobe brcmfmac

Try that and see if it works. Like you, ujust configure-broadcom-wl does nothing.

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