More broadcom wifi madness; possible ujust akmods script typo

Still struggling to deal with the ongoing broadcom issues that I, as well as others, have. Most likely I prematurely closed issue, as it seems that a larger Silverblue/Aurora mis-configuration issue is the culprit.

Can someone explain what the ujust action “configure-broadcom-wl” is doing in script “/usr/share/ublue-os/just/50-akmods.just” ?

When you run this action, the “Disable” section creates two files:


…this seems intended to blacklist the broadcom wifi module.

However, running the “Enable” action attempts to delete two different files, and leaves the above two files behind; these files remain after a reboot.

sudo rm -f /etc/modprobe.d/broadcom-wl-blacklist.conf
sudo rm -f /etc/modprobe.d/default-disable-broadcom-wl.conf

I can’t understand how this is expected to work. Can anyone explain? It seems like a typo, but perhaps not.

Also, I can see that the broadcom module “brcmfmac” is blacklisted by the system, and I cannot find any way to force it to load during boot.

]$ sudo modprobe --show-config | grep brcmfmac | grep -v alias
blacklist brcmfmac

]$ systemd-analyze cat-config modprobe.d | grep brcmfmac
blacklist brcmfmac

This module ( which I need to load ) is getting blacklisted here:

]$ cat /usr/lib/modprobe.d/broadcom-wl-blacklist.conf
# modules blacklisted for broadcom-wl
blacklist brcmfmac

It seems there is no way to prevent this blacklist, as this file is on part of the read-only file system. I have created a file in “/etc/modprobe.d/broadcom-wl-blacklist.conf” to install this module at boot time, but nothing happens.

Why is this module blacklisted here, and is there anyway to override this?

Same problem with a Broadcom 4350, no real solution but to modprobe brcmfmac manualy… :roll_eyes:

This workaround on githup by @GiovanniGrieco works great for me, and the broadcom module will now load automatically. Not sure WHY we need to do this, but I’m happy for a workaround. Good luck!

I have the same issue on MacBook Pro 13" 2015 hardware. Bluefin worked great through the summer, but sometime in the fall (perhaps following an update?) wifi was gone. I’ve tried the various terminal commands that have been proposed, but they simply have not worked. But then again, I’m trying to convince friends to take a look at it, but these friends are just users, not tech folk. Saying “terminal” is like holding up a crucifix in front of a vampire.

The really odd thing is that it did work, but now it doesn’t. I tried Bazzite, and it too refuses to recognize the wifi. On the other hand, Fedora (40, 41, 42 Rawhide) works OK. Other distros work OK. Clearly, something in the U-Blue world is diverging from the standard Fedora installation in this area.

It’s disappointing, as I really have enjoyed using Bluefin. Still hoping for great things from it, however.

Thanks! I’ve posted just now in the GitHub thread you linked

I’ve seen the activity on GitHub. Thank you for the continued effort on this.