NOTE: I know I can install Foliate from flatpak and that is recommended way, but above I am just using Foliate as an example, I could use something else for sample.
I installed Foliate using “distrobox create” logic (from second forum’s post) and from .desktop file copied the syntax for “Icon” row text.
I have remove container build with step 1.
I have installed Foliate using “distrobox-assemble” (from first forum’s post) and there is Ubuntu icon like in post one of this thread. Still an issue as expected.
Now the “ugly” fix replace Icon row from “distrobox create” string to “distrobox-assamble” .desktop file: sed -i 's:Icon=/var/home/user1/.local/share/icons/ubuntu.png:Icon=com.github.johnfactotum.Foliate:' $HOME/.local/share/applications/foliate-com.github.johnfactotum.Foliate.desktop
and problem is fixed.
I assume there must be some more elegant way of getting correct Icon line definition and so correct icon displayed. Any other idea?