Unlock encrypted disk at boot time only supports English keyboard - please update documentation

In Blufin installation setup program I have checked check box to encrypt the disk and set the password.

After installation reboot is required and at first Blufin boot only English keyboard is accepted to unlock encrypted disk.

I have found solution:

  1. Find out the on which keys are special character like in US keyboard e.g. \https:\en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_and_American_keyboards
  2. Start Blufin and in unlock encrypted disk dialog type in password using English keyboard (see first step for keys locations).
  3. After Blufin boots and you login into Blufin type in command (found on Silverblue forum): sudo rpm-ostree initramfs-etc --track=/etc/vconsole.conf
  4. Reboot. Now correct keyboard (that was selected during Blufin installation program) is used to unlock encrypted disk.

May I suggest to add this info to official documentation like in Administration or FAQ sections. I have struggled to find this info.

Sure the best would be to fix the issue in the first place or at least to write some notification when encrypted disk checkbox is checked in installation program, but this is probably of of scope of Blufin (it has to be fixed upstream in Silverblue).

EDIT: Now I have also found official known issue on Silverblue:


It might already be solved in latest versions.

I’m running Aurora:latest and while it only offered US unlock the first boot or two, now my keyboard layout is Dvorak. I selected Dvorak US Eng during installation.

This is the first time on any distro I’ve seen GRUB offer a non-US-ENG layout.

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Omg, thank you for this post. I just almost got locked out of my laptop repeatedly until I remembered this post.

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I have downloaded image two days ago (August-14 2024).

The main issue is the first time someone boots image after installation and Blufin is using English/US keyboard.

My first reaction was, at installation procedure to set encrypted disk I have probably typed in two times the same password, but I have two times mistyped it (probably not very probable) and so I reinstalled the Blufin and the same problem. Then I have searched the web and found the Silverblue’s forum post, typed in password just like my keyboard is English/US and Blufin booted.

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