System crashes due to Input/Output error

When: At random times, though every time it’s been while using Firefox (maybe coincidentally). Has happened about 3-4 times in the past few days.

What happens:

  • An extension misbehaves randomly (twice where a Firefox extension popped up its setup message even though I already set it up weeks before, and the button don’t work), or Firefox just crashes
  • Poweroff/settings/lock icons in Gnome power menu disappear
  • Every time except once, I can still open most applications, but they don’t work right. Trying to run terminal commands results in “Input/output error”. Only sh works to move around and list directories, but no files can be read, with Input/output error.
  • Can’t open journalctl because of Input/output error.
  • Running shutdown results in Failed to execute shutdown binary and every mount point being unable to unmount
  • Need to force shutdown with power button

What I’ve tried

  • Checking journalctl logs. Nothing of note shows up from the last boot once I reboot, I assume because I/O failed before logs could be written
  • Seeing if it’s a hardware issue
    • Running smartctl for an SSD check. This is a new PC and SSD, so everything passed.
    • Running memcheck86. Everything passed.
    • Running btrfs check. Everything was fine.
    • Display environment still worked so I don’t see how it’s a GPU issue

I assume it’s some software issue and it just started recently, but I can’t find any logs to figure out what.

System Information

Bazzite 41 (FROM Fedora Silverblue)
Linux 6.13.5-102.bazzite.fc41.x86_64
GNOME 47.4 - Mutter (Wayland)

Anyone have a similar issue? Any help appreciated, thanks

For anyone coming across this in the future:

Haven’t tested for long enough to see if this fixes it, but I did eventually see a kernel message saying to try using those parameters.