Snapcraft error received when updating Bluefin, but I don't use Snaps

Using Fedora Linux 39.20240618.0 (Bluefin), when I updated this morning I got the error below. Why might this error occur on a machine with no snaps ever installed an no snapd service?

Error: While downloading Server returned status 404

Can you pastebin the full output/log? What command are you running?

I was running an update by clicking the System Update button. I must admit that i don’t know how to get the log and have not been able to find out through a web search how to find the log.

We use topgrade to upgrade the system via that command. I wonder if it’s finding something and trying to upgrade it?

I thought I would post a follow up in case anyone else is experiencing this same issue. I watched the update text a little more closely this morning as it scrolled past, and I realized that the problem was with the Authy flatpak which is no longer offered by the vendor. I ran “flatpak remove com.authy.Authy” and it seems to have resolved the issue. I guess maybe that flatpak was being hosted on a Snapcraft server maybe.

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That looks right, note that that flatpak fell out of support in March 2024: GitHub - flathub/com.authy.Authy