I wanted to try using WARP vpn via wireguard and I tried importing it via config file to kde network manager. The problem is that it connects but it lacks internet connection.
I tried connecting via another method. Copying config file to etc/wireguard sudo cp ~/Downloads/wgcf-profile.conf /etc/wireguard/
and then sudo wg-quick up wgcf-profile
to enable
it now works properly but i cannot use it conveniently, but to enable it each time via terminal
Is there a possibility to use make kde network manager remember that connection or at least import the config in a working way?
Idk is it even bazzite/UniversalBlue specific, but I’m a newbie so I’m just asking
On GNOME we have an option to import a VPN connection from a file in Settings > Network > VPN, then it becomes accessible via the VPN applet. I believe KDE should have something similar, maybe try to check under Connection settings and see if you can create a new VPN/connection? This way it theoretically should work with KDE’s VPN applet.
Ah, got it. FWIW a while back I experienced the same in a Fedora Workstation install, the fix was to enable wireguard in the Firewall Config - it was the only one time I had to do it across many Linux installs. A quick search led me to this thread, hope this can be of help!