Overview of hardware supported by HWE? (wth happened to documentation?)

I have been searching for 30min, but can’t find a simple page listing which hardware is supported by which HWE image. There used to be a page listing for example which MS Surface laptops were supported.

In general, it seems the new website has been ridden of useful practical information. Instead, every link gives me a standard github page. All github pages contain zero info, only the title and 3 urls. Those urls only ensure I keep going in circles.

Is there a page in development somewhere to provide the missing, critical information that describes the images? General question of course.
More specifically, currently I am looking for the page listing the supported hardware by HWE, like Surface, Asus etc.

I don’t think we’ve ever had one of these? What hardware is it?

My bad, its the page of the surface-kernel. I thought there used to be a link to it from the (now-archived) uBlue OS Surface image:

But in general I have to say, the complete lack of clarity into wat the available images are exactly, is shocking me. There is only the Github generated list of images. HWE is just an example, the Github page gives you this:

While before there were separate images/pages so that you could easily select the one you need, for example for a Surface device.
Now, I am completely in the dark, since those pages have been archived, without replacement.

The Surface devices have support in Bazzite and in the Aurora/Bluefin stable branches, we don’t list them separately anymore.

If you select “Surface” in the image pickers on either getaurora.dev or projectbluefin.io it will get you the right ISO.

If you’re looking for the surface base images here’s the package list.

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