Missing ethernet driver on x870 board for Realtek RTL8125 (XID 688) in r8169

Hello all,

I’m running 41.20241210.1 of bluefin-dx (stable). It looks like I’m missing an ethernet driver, as it does not show up in nmcli or ip -a whatsoever–not even as disconnected.

journalctl shows the following error message:

Dec 12 08:43:01 bluefin-dx kernel: r8169 0000:08:00.0: error -ENODEV: unknown chip XID 688, contact r8169 maintainers (see MAINTAINERS file)

It looks similar to this issue on Arch: [SOLVED] Hardware issues with new MOBO - Gigabyte X870E / Kernel & Hardware / Arch Linux Forums

I’m not sure how to proceed here, since using custom kernels or including ethernet drivers seems to not be supported OOB, I’d need to build my own image?

For context, I’m using this motherboard: PRIME X870-P WIFI|Motherboards|ASUS Global

EDIT 1: Fixed motherboard URL to be Wi-Fi variant of the board.

I guess you need to wait for the 6.12 kernel release. maybe open an issue in gh?

I ended up making an issue. I also made a repository using the 6.13 release candidate kernel, which ended up fixing the problem (albeit temporarily).

See: Missing ethernet driver on x870 board for Realtek RTL8125 (XID 688) in r8169 · Issue #2066 · ublue-os/bluefin · GitHub

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