Installing a custom ethernet driver

Hey all,

I recently installed Bazzite and I’m quite enjoying it. I’m running into a particular issue which I suspect may be related to the ethernet driver. My connection speed caps out at roughly 80-90Mbps while I am very much used to it capping around 900-1000Mbps instead.

I figured out that I have a realtek ethernet card, the RTL8125, and found a driver for it that I would like to install.

This is the contents of the driver archive. As you can see it comes with a makefile. When I run this it compiles it but is unable to install it because of a read-only filesystem, which makes sense.

Is there anybody that can explain to me how I can get this driver installed? Or potentially help me troubleshoot my network issue?

Thanks in advance

Turns out it was a classic case of me being the problem!

I completely forgot to check this on my Windows installation and turns out I was encountering the same issue there. I had this issue before and it was a configuration option in my Unifi controller that causes this.

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