I find it difficult to stay up to date regarding the project.
When entering “ujust” I dont see “nix” or “homebrew” anywhere.
This may be a downstream issue in secureblue?
The nix install was broken for me anyways, so I would like to remove it
sudo btrfs subvolume delete /nix
didnt work.
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Not sure what custom image you’re on so not sure what your just config has or doesn’t have.
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I’m having the same issue. IDK at which point nix was removed from default installation and now I want to get rid of it.
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I’m considering backing up my personal data and making a fresh installation… will be the cleanest way 
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Ok, I think I got it.
First I ran home-manager uninstall
. Then, digging through the repo it was uninstalled through ujust
So I ran /nix/nix-installer uninstall
It worked for me!
I found another strange thing, SDDM shows me a ton of Nix users but only on the fallback theme.
They dont show like normal users, need to search where SDDM gets its users.
Would be nice to have a way to remove them too.