How to install Jami

I’m trying to install Jami on my Bazzite/Aurora machines. Here, they list Fedora instructions but it is through commands. Will those work on Bazzite/Aurora? I borked my Manjaro install so I don’t want to make the same mistake here. There doesn’t appear to be an appimage version available.

Try installing it inside of a Distrobox with Boxbuddy.

Dont worry about your system breaking since its made to be as hard as possible for a new user to break it. Unless you are doing something goofy like rm -rf /, it should work fine no matter what you throw at it - Just make sure to install software in containerized ways, like Distrobox, Flatpak or Homebrew. They are all set up by default on Bluefin/Aurora/Bazzite, so no need to worry about installing them, just check out the docs for the image you are on.

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I had never heard of Distroboxes - thank you!

In case anyone else has this issue, I installed a Fedora 40 Distrobox and had to run:
sudo dnf install 'dnf-command(config-manager)'
sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo
and then sudo dnf install jami

Then, in BoxBuddy, you can click “View Applications” and then “Add To Menu” to have an easy way to launch Jami. Alternatively you can use the command jami & from the terminal.

Audio appears to work fine but it is not detecting my camera. I tried looking it up with no luck and I also tried just giving BoxBuddy “All devices” access in Flatseal since it says that includes Webcams but there are still no video devices found.

Its not BoxBuddy that needs the camera permission, its the container itself! You need to stop the container, plug in your webcam, then re-start the container after that, then the device will be bound to the container and itll work fine


That seems to have worked! Thank you!

I’ll try and request an appimage or flatpak though :crossed_fingers: - having that distrobox running all the time to keep me online on Jami seems like it would be bad for my system performance which I already have issues with on Linux.

Nahhh dont worry about it, the distrobox is a very verrry small container that takes up like 15MiB of RAM, shouldnt need to worry about that ever, even on low-end hardware.