Help with ProtonVPN app

Hi all,

My first post here, be gentle :smiley:
I want to install ProtonVPN gui app as I have subscription there, so why not to use it.
I tried to layer it, but after all troubleshooting, suppport told me that app doesnt behave well on Fedora Silverblue ( it is official supported on workstation btw)

So I thought, maybe I can install it in distrobox :

ujust distrobox-fedora


ujust distrobox-ubuntu

as it is supported for both Fedora and Ubuntu. Than follow those steps :

1. Download the package. Enter:


2. Install the Proton VPN repository containing the new app. Run:

sudo dnf install ./protonvpn-stable-release-1.0.1-2.noarch.rpm

3. If you’re running the old (v3) Proton VPN app or CLI (stable or beta versions), simply run:

sudo dnf check-update && dnf upgrade

If you don’t have Proton VPN installed, run:

sudo dnf install --refresh proton-vpn-gnome-desktop

To check for updates and ensure that you’re running the latest version of the app, enter:

sudo dnf check-update && dnf upgrade

Is this good way or is there some better way ?


No need! You can just install the flatpak.


Indeed, the flatpak app works perfect!


I know, but in case of any issue, no official support from Proton.

Is there any other options to install it ? If not I will try flatpak

Personally, I import the OVPN settings.


Quick question about using Open VPN. I configured it using Proton VPN’s online instructions. But then, when I tested my connection at, it was able to see my correct location, indicating that the VPN was not working.

I’m guessing this has something to do with the fact that I’m using the free plan, which does not support ipv6. But I’m not sure what to do about it.

Any help would be much appreciated.