Have AMD GPU and want to add Nvidia GPU

Thanks for a great distro)
I already have bluefin-dx with amd gpu and everything works great. Now I want to add Nvidia gpu as second gpu. What I need to do? Rebase to nvidia image? Or just layer nvidia driver?

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Rebasing to the nvidia image outta do it!

I have an Intel A380 (drives displays) and an RTX A4500 (cuda/machine learning).
The bluefin-nvidia-dx image works fine for me.

So, if we have nvidia gpu (no matter primary or not) we should use -nvidia- image. Am I right?
Also it seems that -nvidia- image contains all gpu drivers.

Yeah, the intel and AMD drivers are in the kernel/mesa so every nvidia image has drivers for all 3 GPU vendors.

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Ok. Maybe it worth to be not so strict in download section (notice β€œprimary”):

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