I installed Bluefin gts on a 2-in-1 laptop and when I have the keyboard atached it’s as if the fn key was stuck, so typing “o” for example actually outputs a “6”, but if I hold the fn key and type “o” an “o” is actually typed. There is no setting in BIOS to change this behaviour and I never had this issue on Windows 10. There’s also no keyboard combination to change it, I tried all possible combinations of fn+Esc, fn+F1-12, fn+Ins, fn+anything, nothing works. When hardware keyboard is detatched the virtual one works as expected. What do I do? Is it a Gnome thing? Is it a Fedora thing?
Press the NumLock key (to turn it off) and try again.
My laptop did the same thing after a fresh install. The NumLock state should persist across reboots, so the problem shouldn’t come back.
There is no NumLock button, I should have been more clear actually. I tried probably every fn button combination
Try this.
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.peripherals.keyboard numlock-state false
That doesn’t work. I ran that command with and without sudo and I also rebooted, nothing changes either setting it to flase or true. I tried to reinstall Bluefin in case something went wrong (nothing changed), but one thing to notice is that in the installer the keyboard works correctly, once it’s installed the problem appears. I tried to rebase to Aurora to see if it’s a Gnome thing, but at reboot it gets stuck in a blank screen. I tried to install Aurora from the usb drive and after installation it gets stuck and I can’t reach the login screen or an emergency terminal. I tried MicroOS Kalpa (KDE desktop) and KDE works (although the display is misrecognized as vertical and so I must flip it in settings and disable auto-rotate), but the keyboard works good
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