Flatpak apps starts slow

Have you had the same problem where Flatpak apps was starting up quite slow?

Yes, I recently noticed that as well (in my case it was bitwarden, but I suspect other apps are affected as well, as normally if they don’t start up within a minute I just kill the processes involved …but bitwarden I was distracted and it eventually started up, maybe 2 or 3 minutes after I tried to start it.

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Seeing this as well but haven’t spent any time trying to suss out what’s going on. It’s not a constant thing, just every now and then I see a long delay trying to launch something.

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I think there’s something wrong with the flatpak itself

See below for a potential workaround until the problem gets fixed in the flatpak (assuming you don’t find a different solution that works better)


… I have this issue with bitwarden in a nearly consistent manner.

Running BitWarden from the desktop icon it takes about 5 or 6 minutes before the password screen shows up (the icon shows up on the Dock, but there’s no ‘window’ associated with it until after 5 minutes.)

Same thing if I open up a terminal and run it manually using:

flatpak run com.bitwarden.desktop

If I instead run some combination of:

flatpak run com.bitwarden.desktop --use-gl=egl
flatpak run com.bitwarden.desktop --use-gl=wayland
flatpak run com.bitwarden.desktop --use-gl=desktop

It works fine.

(ie. I ran the ‘wayland’ option 1st time and it just failed right away, then I ran the ‘egl’ option and it came up right away … I closed out and ran the ‘wayland’ again and it worked fine; closed and tried the ‘desktop’ option and that too worked fine.)

Potential Workaround

So I guess what I’m saying open a terminal and run:

flatpak list

That should giv eyou a list of fltpaks you have installed, find the one you are having issues with and run it manually by using the ‘Application ID


flatpak list

Open a terminal and enter

flatpak run com.bitwarden.desktop --use-gl=egl

If the app doesn’t come up try one of:

flatpak run com.bitwarden.desktop --use-gl=egl
flatpak run com.bitwarden.desktop --use-gl=wayland
flatpak run com.bitwarden.desktop --use-gl=desktop

And see if one of them works (if one doesn’t work, don’t be afraid to try it again after trying one of the others as my first attempt at ‘wayland’ didn’t work until I cam back to it after trying the other two (which worked as well.)

since I have a nvidia card I settled on using:

flatpak run com.bitwarden.desktop --use-gl=nvidia-560-35-03

to get a list of your gl-drivers run:

flatpak --gl-drivers

I open a terminal and run the flatpack as a ‘nohup’ background process (so I can close the terminal and keep the app running:


nohup flatpak run com.bitwarden.desktop --use-gl=nvidia-560-35-03 &