Apps That Will Not Start

Is there a way to troubleshoot apps that won’t start? I’ve updated and rebooted with no change. Is the next step to re-install the app or is there a way to troubleshoot the problem?

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Atleast running the app from a terminal can show atleast some errors why it won’t start.

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try this:

Open a terminal


flatpak list

find your application that you want to start) in my case I was having issues with. For example I couldn’t open “Disk Usage Analyzer”! The list shows it as:

Disk Usage Analyzer org.gnome.baobab 47.0 stable system

Then run the app manually using:


GSK_RENDERER=ngl flatpak run org.gnome.baobab


This will run the application, but it will hog that terminal session and close when you close the terminal. If you want it to survive closing the terminal use:

> GSK_RENDERER=ngl nohup flatpak run org.gnome baobab &

(set the env variable, ‘nohup’ output to the nohup.out file, and run the application in the background.)

Looks like there are issues between gnome and Nvidia drivers again … :rolleyes:

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Thank you for the reply. Unfortunately I get the following error:


Any ideas?

Is this a new install of mahjongg? Or has it been working with Bazzite and suddenly stopped working?

I installed it and it didn’t work right from the start, and looking around it appears it might be broken right from compilation … maybe try installing kmahjonng? That seems to work.

Can you post full output of terminal?
I just installed mahjongg and it works fine.

Not a new install of Mahjongg, it just stopped working.
I just tried Disk Usage Analyzer and it doesn’t start either.

Post from terminal…

Sorry I’m gonna need a little coaching on what command to use to generate the output.

Sure. We’ll use mahjongg as an example. Open your terminal.

First we want to check if it’s listed by flatpak.

flatpak list --app | grep -i mahjongg

If it’s there then we try to run it.

flatpak run org.gnome.Mahjongg

Post the output.

Try running this, just copy and paste it into terminal.

GSK_RENDERER=gl flatpak run org.gnome.Mahjongg

It started with this command. What does that tell you?

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You’re on a laptop with hybrid graphics?
Intel / Nvidia?

Yes that’s correct re graphics

Looks like a driver issue. Here is a post about it.

There is a workaround mentioned that you can try till it gets resolved.

This is the workaround. Copy and paste into your terminal.

mkdir -p ~/.config/environment.d
echo "GSK_RENDERER=ngl" >> ~/.config/environment.d/gsk.conf

This will make a config file inside ~/.config/environment.d

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Done… what’s next?

Try to open apps. If doesn’t work do a restart and try to open apps again.


After reboot this fixed the issue!
Thanks so much for your help.

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