Dark mode with LibreOffice and Gimagereader

Hi, libreoffice in dark mode is buggy (unreadable display, remains light). Some themes work, while remaining in light mode. This is also the case for Gimagereader (just keep it in light mode). In this regard, a more or less “Workstation” type Bluefin is being considered (applications for writing, scanning, etc.). I’m a teacher.
Thank you for this special version of Silverblue. The idea is really great and could interest a lot of end-users.


Setting the environment variable GTK_THEME=Adwaita:dark as suggested here for the LibreOffice Flatpak makes its dark mode work, which can be done via Flatseal or on a terminal via:

flatpak override --user --env=GTK_THEME=Adwaita:dark org.libreoffice.LibreOffice

(Note that with this change the light mode doesn’t work anymore.)


Thank you!

Setting GTK_THEME via Flatseal fixed it for me.