Boot from USB drive

Hey, I‘d like to create a Ventoy boot stick that also can boot something like Bluefin, Silverblue, or something custom with all necessary tools preconfigured.
When I booted the Blufin ISO it put me into an installer. That is not what I wanted, I wanted to use it together with a separate partition for home.
How can I achieve this?

Isn’t installing Bluefin to a USB an option?

I think you are describing a bootable ‘live’ version CD/USB. I do not think the Silverblue atomic versions (of which ublue/bluefin/etc are a part of) have this option - they just have an installer.

I also use Ventoy and (as of the last time I looked) it does not support Silverblue-based images (outside of Rawhide).

Yes, basically a live system. And it doesn’t have to be Silverblue as long as I can build the image nice and easy in a GitHub Action.

I did not dive too deep into how booting form a OCI image works. From what I understand, I would need three things:

  1. An OCI image (ideally freshly built) with the things I need (i3wm, terminal, dotfiles, editor, etc.)
  2. Something of a “initramfs” to boot into first (that would be mostly static). Something that does bootc(?) and kexecs and chroots to OCI image
  3. A persistent partition to use as home (encrypting it via systemd-homed might be nice, but baby steps)