The first Universal Blue ARM image is here! Thanks to p5 and tulip we can now offer ARM images of Bluefin. With all the good things we’re seeing coming out of CentOS Connect at FOSDEM we’ve decided to make Achillobator giganticus our latest bird. Available for both ARM and x86_64.
Due to the “we started over so it’s much easier” nature of Bluefin LTS, this was a relatively simple lift. It’ll likely be more time until other ARM images are made, but it’s a start. Also CentOS Stream10 feels great as a desktop, we think people will like this, and integrating in the work from the Hyperscale SIG will let us bring in new kernels and other things that will lead to a good experience.
In the meantime, enjoy! Also if you plan to try this on bare metal please post a picture, lots of us don’t have ARM laptops.
Here’s the screenshot:
Please see the LTS Documentation for installation instructions, there are some manual steps.
Bluefin LTS is built out of a different repo, so please direct your issues at: GitHub - ublue-os/bluefin-lts: Bluefin LTS, built on CentOS Stream with bootc
Using it with your Apple Silicon Mac
UTM can boot these images if suitably configured:
- File → New, then select Virtualize
- Select Linux, then enable “Use Apple Virtualization” (The QEMU virtualization backend can also work, but this works better on Apple Silicon.)
- Browse for the Bluefin LTS ISO.
- It should default to 4GB of RAM; this is a good minimum value.
- On the Summary screen, it is not necessary to check the “Open VM Settings” box; while you may wish to adjust the configuration of the VM before first boot, the defaults are sensible.
- No homebrew, they don’t have arm builds, we will include Pixi instead, which is a nice package manager built on the popular conda ecosystem - there’s some good stuff in there!
- Chromium
- No Firefox or Thunderbird, missing ARM builds, just about everything else is there.
Supporting this Effort
You can help by contributing, but sponsoring folks always helps! If this image is useful to you please consider donating!