Bazzite Wayland NVidia Settings missing menus like OpenGL Settings, graphics information like OpenGl,Vulkan, EGL, GPU fan control on works in X11 NVidia Settings app only, I may use Regata OS or Garuda over Bazzite

I may switch from bazzite, to either this one, or a arch based linux, since problems in wayland, or going to have to install X11 and disable wayland, I think its what’s causing most of the linux problems, I am having on my pc with the 3D card, and monitor. Do the titles need to be short here, I noticed title editing happening, in any case, I am looking at this, besides Regata OS , I used Garuda Linux before, I am not sure if its wayland based or has X11 included, it does matter since I think the nvidia rtx 30xx cards are more stable under X11, as I think wayland is still having problems, with nvidia hardware, I feel like the bug reports about graphic problems are coming from the use of wayland, I could be wrong but I don’t think I am. I used Garuda arch based linux before, the only thing about it that I don’t like is the desktop theming of the colors they picked for that distro, otherwise its good, but is also one that doesn’t like secure boot on like Regata OS. Screenshots of Nvidia Settings here come from Regata OS not bazzite or Garuda. I may go back to Bazzite if these things are ever fixed, I guess it depends on what’s causing the problems, on my older desktop, never tried it on my alienware since there is no live bootup, and I don’t plan to install linux to this alienware r16 anytime soon, it may support it, but I am not sure about my monitor, which is the thing besides xbox app and the cross compatible games that keep me on windows 11 that maybe DRM games, for that desktop’s gaming for now. I do like the idea of Steam Deck gaming on nvidia hardware don’t get me wrong, I love that feature, but its possible to turn that on in Garuda linux since its based on arch linux, and if you search the web for arch linux steam deck mode gaming, there is some helpful information online about manually installing, it that also talks about installing steam deck mode to the ps4 console which I don’t plan to try on my ps4 console anytime soon.

I found an option that doesn’t force Wayland on Nvidia and seems to have more functionality from the Nvidia configuration, such as OpenGL and graphic information, including Vulkan, if that’s used for gaming.

I don’t mind secure boot being on, but it’s possible to turn it on after installing it in distro based on openSUSE, as tumbleweed normally has that on, but spin off Linux distro’s don’t always support it, I think, if my default it’s not simple supported as being on sometimes it’s a bit harder to enable it afterwards without breaking something in the install. As for the Sleep mode didn’t work from live KDE Plasma mode, but when I turned my monitor off and back on, the desktop image was still there, where bazzite lost the signal when the monitor was off and was not able to get it back on during the same session again I think Wayland is the thing at fault but I could be wrong. I’m sure about sleep mode, but when I put it to sleep running USB, it didn’t show a no signal message; instead, it just had a black screen, so I guess that’s progress.

I also downloaded Aurora Nvidia open image and the bazzite Nvidia open images to if the problem was the official NVidia drivers. I think Wayland might be the problem with the bad graphics in steam gaming mode or sleep and monitor if turn off and on not getting a signal. Enabling GPU fan settings seems to work from Regata OS whereas under Bazzite, it failed to manually turn on the GPU fans in the same NVidia config app Gui, the only difference here is by default Regata OS seems to use X11 not Wayland. I’m not sure if that setting is needed but works under Regata OS. Some of the graphic errors in Steam gaming mode seem to be related to Wayland, but I could be wrong. For instance, 4K in X11 shows 60Hz, 120Hz, and 144Hz, Wayland display under 4K shows 30Hz, which I don’t my monitor supports that anyway, not even a thing under windows 11 4k display its 60hz never set at 30hz like Wayland has; it should be 60Hz in Wayland but it’s not that by default either an error, officially I don’t think this monitor supports 30hz mode. one is based on openSUSE Tumbleweed, and unlike Tumbleweed, it doesn’t work with secure boot on by default, but it is a gaming-based Linux distro.

I consider this a solution unless else posts about it. It seems to me that Wayland might be the problem, or the Nvidia drivers that Wayland uses are official ones instead of Nvidia open drivers. From my testing so far, it seems like Wayland is the problem and has not yet been fixed to work correctly with Nvidia drivers, but that’s just my opinion.

*My solution to this is either to use the NVIDIA open drivers or to use Regata OS if, once installed, it fixes problem. This one seems more complete. The only thing it’s missing is the gaming for OpenSUSE Tumbleweed. I will look into to see if I manually install that on OpenSUSE. Otherwise, I will just run Steam in Big Picture mode, which is kind of the same thing as Steam gaming mode. cannot see much of a difference between them. *

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Applications have severe tearing or drop signal entirely when running full screen · Issue #2285 · ublue-os/bazzite

M28U Gigabyte 4k monitor losing signal in bazzite linux distro, does not happen in windows 11 or 10 with nvidia drivers. bazzite-nvidia-stable-amd64, Update: Refer to my second post. The problem appears to be related to the Wayland session, not the X11 session. During live bootup, the default X11 session did not exhibit the “no signal” issue. Although sleep mode was not functional during live bootup, turning the monitor off and back on worked, and the desktop image remained visible on the screen. · Issue #2283 · ublue-os/bazzite