Bazzite Saved My PC!

I have a pretty old system (i5/1070TI) and have struggled for some time to get games running. In the end I had to tell my online friends that I was out of PC gaming for a while because it had just become impossible to run anything at a decent clip. But since switching to Bazzite it’s been like having a new PC. Everything I’ve tried to play has worked. Amazing work everyone, thank you!


I used to play video games using bottles on traditional distros and whatever the distro i tried i’ve been having problems for the two or three previous months, but with Bazzite and Bluefin it’s working flawlessly out of the box, thank you very much for your work.

I have had a similar experience, though not as extreme.

My system, at 1080p, is actually fairly often CPU limited. When switching to Bazzite I have noticed that in several CPU limited games I get better frame rates on Bazzite in comparison to Windows 11. As a matter of fact the current game I’m playing not only gets better and more consistent frame times than on Windows, but it also actually has lower CPU utilization.

It’s not all sunshine and roses. I have found games that run better on Windows but I imagine that for many many people, including myself, a Linux distro like Bazzit will be a net positive experience.

I’m super thankful for the work put into Bazzite. Even more so as I find out about all the AI Microsoft is shoving into Windows in the coming months/years.